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發表於 2021-05-08


2021年5月2日,我跟一位有神通的師兄聊天,她知道我每天都有做功課念咒語禮拜諸佛菩薩,她要求我做一個試驗。她說既然我每天都有做功課,做功課前準備幾瓶水或一壺水擺放在我跪拜的前面,高度必須低於我的嘴巴,放在地上或矮桌上都可以,但不關蓋 (功課完畢後才關蓋)。我的功課如下 :-

1) 跪在佛臺前及合掌說 "弟子 (姓名) 感恩十方三世一切諸佛、菩薩、神、仙、天龍護法等聖眾【磕頭三次】。弟子有請十方三世一切諸佛國聖眾接受弟子的供養,弟子有請十方三世一切諸佛接受弟子的頂禮一切諸佛足,弟子也有請諸位聖眾加持,降法力於水內以便可以抗疫、化解任何瘟疫病毒及消除所有有害的病菌,也包括新冠狀病毒,以便一家人都有天然的抗體、免疫系統提升、安康和出入平安【如果您還有其它要求,比如說您或家人有其它病症或其它事情,可以在這裡加入請求聖眾加持法力入水中】。弟子 (姓名) 感恩一切【磕頭三次】。



佛頂尊勝陀羅尼 (音頻)

我頂禮一切佛足真言 + 磕頭

6) 解瘟咒

7) 地藏菩薩補闕真言


9) 最後說 "弟子 (姓名) 感恩十方三世一切諸佛、菩薩、神、仙、天龍護法等聖眾【磕頭三次】" (功課完畢)



上面的只不過是我個人的功課列表 (除了解瘟咒 21 遍、我頂禮一切佛足真言 >100 遍、禮佛跪拜磕头 21 次,其祂的只有 7 遍。整个功课大约需 25 分钟),需要念多少遍随喜個人,但必须是七遍或以上。您當然可以選擇回你平時的功課本,無需依據我的方式也是可以的。


諸位,既然我們每天都有做功課,就好好地善用我們每天做的功課來保護一家人免於瘟疫包括新冠狀病毒吧 !功課一年一年的累積,我們一家人都有法力的抗體,不好嗎 ?




最後,如果你願意行菩薩道,每日的功課不妨考慮多加幾瓶水,讓聖眾加持能量、法力和藥效降入水中,然後分派給外人飲用。如果對方住家距離太遠或在國外,你也可以遠程加持對方的水,比如說當你做功課的時候,叫對方的手機同時開微信、Whatsapp、LINE、Telegram 等等視頻語音,對方將鏡頭固定在水瓶或水壺的位置,記得開蓋,然後遠方的你才開始做功課。這兩種方式也是一個很大的功德。

全世界現在是處在嚴峻的疫情感染當中,鼓勵你自己錄音然後每天都播放這網頁裡的咒語,以便幫到一家人和鄰居們免於新冠狀病毒的感染,請參考 "每天傳播佛法和梵音咒語到無量無邊的大千世界"。我居住的州屬是全國最高感染新冠狀病毒的地區,平均每 40 人中就有一位感染者。我住的花園大約有 40 個房屋,如果以每一個住家平均有四人就有 160 位居民,一年多了,但至今【2021-05-29】我們仍然是零度感染,您覺得播放有沒有效果呢 ?


註 : 我推廣這方式並不是要你迷信的以為僅念聖號、咒語、陀羅尼等就能解決問題,每天的功課是一種修行、是一種身心的淨化,您和家人仍然必須做足個人的防範措施來保護自己,比如說戴口罩 、遠離人群和去接種疫苗等。



= = * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * = =


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How to Make Use of Your Daily Homework to Protect Your Whole Family from Epidemic or Pandemic including the Covid-19


Posted on 2021-05-08

I chatted with a Buddhist, borne with supernatural powers, on 2nd May 2021. She knows that I practice homework everyday to recite mantras and worship to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and she asked me to do an experiment. She said, since I do my homework everyday, prior to start of my daily homework, be ready for a few bottles of water or a pot of water, open the lid and put them in front of me. The height of the water must be lower than my mouth and may place them either on the ground or on a low table. My homework is as follows:-

1) Kneel down in front of the Buddha statue and put your palms together devoutly (Añjali Mudrā / Praṇāmāsana) and say "I (my name) appreciate to all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Gods and other Spiritual Saints (kowtow 3 times). I would like to request all the Spiritual Saints to accept my Pūjā offerings, accept my kneeling down jobs to prostrate to all Buddhas' feet and seek the Spiritual Saints to bless the water so that it can fight and resolve with all the epidemic and pandemic issues, and eliminate all the harmful viruses and bacteria, including the Coronavirus, so that my family members would have natural antibodies, enhanced immune system, healthily and safely all the times【if you have other requests such as you or your family members may have some diseases or other matters, you may add your requests into here to request the Spiritual Saints to bless the water with supernatural powers】. I (my name) appreciate for everything (kowtow 3 times).

Pūjā to All Buddha Lands

Name of Śākyamunaye

Sarva-durgati-pari-śodhana-uṣṇīṣa-vijaya-dhāraṇī (MP3)

Ritual of Prostrate to All Buddhas' Feet Mantra + Kowtow

6) Epidemics Prevention Mantra

7) Replenish Mantra

Bodhi-maṇḍa-āsana Vyūha-alaṃkāra Dhāraṇī (Multiplying Effects)

9) Finally say, "I (my name), my grateful appreciation to all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Gods and other Spiritual Saints (kowtow 3 times)" (End of Homework)

I took pictures and forwarded them to the abovementioned Buddhist friend. After she had viewed the photos, she confirmed that the water had been well-blessed by Spiritual Saints, and with medicinal and energetic effects. However, she reminded that the righteous thought of the prayer is very important. If the prayer has a negative thought, the water may not have epidemic prevention effect and may even have a negative effect.


After finished the homework, close the lids of the bottles or the pot of water, and the water would be a drink for the whole family.

The above list of name and mantras are just a sample of my homework (except chanting 21 times of Epidemics Prevention Mantra, >100 times of Ritual of Prostrate to All Buddhas' Feet Mantra and "stand up, kneel down, kowtow" 21 times, I normally chant 7 times for the rest. The whole homework process takes about 25 minutes) and each of them must be chanted at least seven or more times. Of course, you do not need to follow my homework method and you can always choose your own usual homework method.

Since we do our homework everyday, why not just make use of our homework to protect our whole family from the epidemic or pandemic, including the Coronavirus ? With the accumulation of homework years after years, our family members would always have spiritual antibodies, isn’t that good ?

Any family member who returns home from outside, please remember to drink the blessed water and use the blessed water to wipe the exposed body parts such as face, neck, shoulders, hands, feet and etc.


Finally, if you are willing to walk extra miles, you may consider adding a few more bottles of water during your daily homework so that the water would be blessed by the Spiritual Saints with medicinal and energetic effects, and then distribute them to outsiders to consume. If the other party's location is too remote or in abroad, you could also chant the other party's water remotely. For example, whenever you do your homework, ask the corresponding party switches on video call of their mobile phone's apps such as WeChat, Whatsapp, LINE, Telegram, etc., fixes the camera's position to focus on the bottle or kettle, but remember to open the lids, and then you start your homework. These two methods would be a great merit too.


The world is now in the midst of a severe pandemic infection and we encourage you to record audios yourself, and then play it every

day, including mantras that in this webpage so that the mantras are able to help and prevent your family and neighbours from Covid-19 infection, kindly refer to "每天傳播佛法和梵音咒語到無量無邊的大千世界" (sorry, in Chinese). The state that I am living in is the highest Covid-19 infected zone in the whole country, with an average of one in every 40 people infection. There are about 40 houses in a garden where I live and if each house has an average of 4 family members, there would be a total of 160 residents, but we have ZERO infection so far (as at 29 May 2021), don't you think the audio broadcast is workable ?


Note : I am promoting this method should not make you having superstitious thought for wrongly believing that only chanting can resolve the current situation. Note that daily homework is a kind of Buddhism practice and a kind of physical and mental purification. You and your family must still need to take physical precautions and uphold prevention measurements such as wearing a mask, staying away from crowds and go for vaccination.

Thanks for everything.




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